And do not regret about yet another blog post of so called frantic and pointless aspect in Ekendra's life. Also this is not an abstract ideas to be fried along the longest nerve, and serving at the near tail bone periphery.
Am I being so wild over my totally senseless words in red? Sometimes, kudos too carry no meaning as me in the years of friendship- at the redefinition requirement (alas! my RAM is sufficient, I guess?) These are totally common non-sense stuff oozing out of my mind to recover or to repaint bad memories. No matter, what my future hold me in for, the past that was a nightmare with regularly unscheduled scheme of my so called phrasal life. Neither the words are seamless flow of my gray matter and lips nor are the guffs producing thud in mud.
Besides, being a critical psycho pessimist I was delving into what is fit for me and undecided tips of scholarly hours for the next 48 hours, oops! mouths. And fine are the hostile silver linings for let me passing the bygone 25 months in futile responses. Oasis, though sought, at the end is sure to yield but in rain.
Brain washing of delivered, garbaged and over flown thoughts. Interruption sought, till next touch it or feel it, the choice is yours.
1 comment(s):
this is very nice
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