Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leisure pics in Pokhara II

Reflects : Leisure pics in Pokhara

pics from fewa lake : Leisure pics in Pokhara

poinsettia, lalupate : Leisure pics in Pokhara

Mt Views (6) : Leisure pics in Pokhara

an age old bare tree : Leisure pics in Pokhara

Paragliding in Pokhara : Leisure pics in Pokhara

himal, mountain : Leisure pics in Pokhara

Images speak more than they express:
Pictures shot with OLYMPUS CORPORATION C740UZ and OLYMPUS OPTICAL C730UZ Digital Camera.

Full size and High resolution pictures (upto 3200 x 2400 pixels) are available for commercial use, inquire now for purchase of these digital pictures.

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