Saturday, July 19, 2008

Using Windows Live Writer for better blogging

Windows Live Writer About Smile Available as a part of Windows Live Installer, Windows Live Writer is a software client for publishing blog posts in rich-text environment similar to Microsoft Office Word, with a lot of plug ins available. Windows Live Writer can create and post entries on your weblog, and works with a variety of weblog services. With Windows Live Writer, you will not not require any other services working with/for Blogging. Most of the blogging platforms including WordPress, Blogger, Atom Publishing Protocol, TypePad, LiveJournal, Movable Type, Metaweblog API, Community Server and many others.

Choose Weblog Account Add weblog account in Windows Live Writer

Configuring Windows Live Writer is very easy. Just opt your choice. Click Another weblog services to see more service providers. You got tons of options the program preferences, accounts- managing and editing blog accounts, Blog This feature, Spelling, Plug-ins, Ping servers and a lot.

Moreover, a lot of 3rd party plug-ins are available in the Windows Live Writer Website- of which Insert Video, Insert Adsense Coder, Insert Picasa Link, and Insert Wikipedia Links are worth mentioning.

Preferences in Windows Live Writer instant preview in Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer enables you to edit using the visual style of your weblog. This enables you to see what your posts will look like online while you are editing them, instantly. Another plug in, WLW uses is Website Capture. here is the captured version of this weblog itself as captured from the Website Capture Plugin.

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