Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Summer Sun-Protection Tips from Ekendra

Sun Protection Tips

  • Try and stay in the shade between 10 am and 4 pm.

  • Use physical protection in the form of sunglasses, umbrellas, a wide-brimmed hat and appropriate clothing.

  • Wear dark colors with long sleeves whenever possible, as dark color absorb UV Rays.

  • Beware of reflective surfaces like sand, snow, concrete, water, clouds etc.

  • Beware of Photosensitizing Drugs eg sulphonamides, tetracyclines etc.

  • Use a good sunscreen which is broad spectrum with both UVA and UVB blockers.

  • Sunscreens should be used every day of the year if you are going to be in the sun for more than 20 minutes.

  • When applying sunscreen, pay particular attention to the face, hands and arms, and coat the skin liberally to cover the exposed areas of the body properly.

  • Be careful to cover exposed areas completely.

  • Don't forget to apply on the lips too.

  • Swimming is also known to darken the skin, hence application of sunscreen before swimming minimizes darkening of the skin.

  • This tip is available @

Be Sun smart

  • SUN is known to provide light and warmth to mankind but is also responsible for the development of some disorders of skin and eyes.

  • Sunlight is composed of various wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet light through infrared to visible light.

  • Ultraviolet light is the most harmful to the skin and causes sunburn, ageing of the skin and over the long term, skin cancer,

  • Ultraviolet light is made up of UVC, UVB and UVA. UVC being the shorter wavelength is filtered out by the ozone layer.

  • UVB and UVA penetrate the ozone layer and reach the earth's surface and can cause us harm.

  • This tip is available @

Some Sun Facts

  • Anyone can get sunburn.

  • Sun causes visible and invisible damage to the skin.

  • UV Rays are more intense between 10 am to 2pm.

  • There is more exposure of UV radiations in summer than in winter.

  • There is more concentration in tropical locations near the equator.

  • Harmful ultraviolet rays [UV] reflect off water, concrete, sand and snow. UV rays also reach below the surface of water.

  • There is more radiation at high altitude like mountains.

  • Even on a cloudy day 80% of the sun's ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds.

  • Prolonged unprotected exposure to sun speeds up aging and causes early appearance of wrinkles.

  • Protecting skin from sun rays could prevent about 80% of skin cancers and premature ageing of skin.

  • This tip is available @

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