When we examine the issue of moral relativity, we arrive at door or of truth. The whole issue of morality is based on the source and reality of truth. What is truth? If truth is subjective then morality is subjective. If truth is objective then there are moral absolutes. Subjective truth, truth is subject to the possessor is illogical. Objective truth, the objective correspondence of what is real, corresponding to reality. What is source for this reality, for this truth? We know we exist, and we are aware of our existence. Because we can see children being born and ourselves getting older, it is logical to conclude there is a beginning, "A Cause", to our existence. We can also observe the same in the animal world. Animals are born and die; they too must have a starting point of existence. The necessity for a cause leads us to another "First Principle" the need for cause;
The principle of causality: Only being can cause being. Nothing does not exist, and only what exists can cause existence, since the concept of "Cause" implies an existing thing that has the power to effect another. From absolutely nothing comes absolutely nothing.
Every thing that comes to be must have a cause. If you take a candle and light it, it will burn for a limited amount of time until its potential energy is burned. The heat, the candle emits is similar to the heat the sun emits. The fact that the candle's energy source is finite demonstrates the need for cause. There was a cause for the candle and their will be an end to the candle. The heat emitted from the Sun is contingent (dependent) on the finite (limited) energy contained in the Sun.
This demonstrates the Sun is also finite, there was, a cause, for the Sun to exist. This same principle is out throughout the whole universe. The farthest galaxies emitting finite energy have a point they were turned on, "A cause" for their existence.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) the father of modern science said, "True knowledge is knowledge by causes." If the Universe is finite and had a beginning, then it would need to have a cause—if causality is a valid principle. A flaw in the causality principle would be equivalent to having a fatal crack in the foundation of science. David Hume, (1711-1776) the skeptic admitted, it is absurd to deny the principle of cause.
1 comment(s):
Hello there!
Many people will look and search for the rest of their lives and find reasons to believe or not believe in God Or anything else for that matter. I am a believer in God, not because I have figured out all the answers. In fact even in the Bible It clearly says"who can know the mind of Gog?" We will never understand many things. What is funny tho is that millions of people don't understand how a car works but trusts in it every day in very dangerous situations...like being on the road. But the same people don't believe in God for various reasons. My experience with hundreds of people who do not choose God is because it is a straight and narrow road. It does take a committment and time to develop a relationship and we by nature are selfish and want things our way, NOW.
If nothing else, considering the other possibilities, I would rather take my chances on eternal life in heaven that all the rest of the other choices that are not proven as facts. When I look at a blade of grass, or a newborn baby, can anyone really think it happened from an explosion? If that could even be correct, what do you gain by beleiving this? Not much. A few years here on earth and then that's it? What a great joy it is to know I have eternity with God. I have nothingto lose and everything to gain. Thx for reading and God bless you. I wish you great prosperity.
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